Administrative Management
Ruth Holstein

Since summer 2022 also head of administration
Since summer 2021
Artistic management and contact for students of the Ballettschule Kares
2021 Graduation with Bachelor Docent Dans, ArtEZ Hogeschool voor de kunsten, The Netherlands
2015-2021 Participation in different projects:
- as dancer:
Exam choreographies (2015-2017)
AmpuKids (2016)
Koinzi-Dance e.V. (2017)
Evolutio (2018 & 2019)
DD-Event (2018-2021)
- in the organization:
Exam choreography (2017)
charity performances (2019 & 2020)
2018 Bodymotion Pilates Trainer, Cologne
from then on regular trainings
2017 Final Certificate as 'Staatlich geprüfte Lehrerin für Tanz und Tänzerische Gymnastik', Lola-Rogge-Schule, Hamburg
2014 Abitur, Braunschweig
Wladi Solounov
Since 2017
Consultative function at the Ballettschule Kares
2008 Graduation as „Diplom-Kaufmann" at the university Duisburg-Essen

2002-2008 Student of
at the university
„Kritiker Preis“ (best dancer),
„Aalto Preis“ for excelling artistic outcomes
1990-2006 Numerous engagements as soloists, among others at the Aalto Ballett Theater Essen, Stadttheater Luzern (CH) and the Komischen Oper Berlin, as well as international guest performances:
USA, Japan, Morocco, France, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg, Austria, Russia, Portugal, Netherlands
1990 Graduation with honour as ballet dancer at the Bolschoi Academy Moscouw
1982-1990 Student in classical ballet at the Bolschoi Academy Moskouw (Russia)
history of the school
In 1980, on April the first, Michael Kares opened the doors of his Ballet School for the first time, this was in Königswinter. After several years he moved to Bad Honnef and since 1996 the classes of Ballettschule Kares take place in the 'Tanzhaus Bad Honnef'. Sharing the location with the Ballroom Dance School Holzwarth in the city centre of Bad Honnef makes dance available for everyone. For 40 years now, the school offers classes for people of all ages to dance, to socialize, to develop and to perform. With more than 150 performances, Michael Kares gave the chance to all his dancers to perform on stage. Furthermore, there were many cooperations with regional and supraregional organisations and artists which made the Ballettschule Kares knowm beyond the borders of Bad Honnef. For example Ballettschule Kares was able to work with the protestant church of Bad Honnef, the twin city berck Sur Mer in France or with soloists from 'Aalto Balletttheater Essen' or the 'Oper Bonn'.
In 2017 Michael Kares, now aged 60, passed his school on to the graduated dance teacher Tanja Lange. She managed the school, together with Wladislaw Solounov. The schedule could be extended by offeing classes in contemporary dance and dance gymnastics in addition to the classical ballet technique and point work.
In August 2021 the team of Ballettschule Kares welcomed another new face, Ruth Holstein, as well a graduated dance teacher. She takes over Tanjas work and enlarges the programme of the school by offering Pilates classes alongside with the proven dance classes.
dancing with you
for more than 40 years
Our Philosophy
Find your own expression!
Experience the opportunity to express your own feelings through dance. Dance has a positive effect on your body consciousness, your creativity and musicality.
As dance teachers at Ballettschule Kares we find it important to work on individual strengths and challenges. Movements are not only copied but integrated into your own body and movement pattern. They are filled with your personality and emotions. Learning different dance techniques is another means to reach this integrity.
Each dancer has to learn how to work with his or her own body, discover the possibilities and share these experiences with the audience, or as Martha Graham already said: 'Dance is the hidden language of the soul.' Because of this a 'tendu' for us is not only the oening of the leg but provides the chance for each student to grow and tell his or her own and personal history.